What has a fat head, a broad middle, a long tail and the power to make or break your business? Keywords. Continue reading “The We Are All Connected Guide To Keyword Research: Part 1”
Category: Keyword Research
Keyword Research Part 2: Thinking About Your Business
Before you can get going on any of the fun collation and analysis stuff, you need to start with a brainstorm. After all, the whole point of keyword research is your business – where it is now and where you want it to be going. Continue reading “Keyword Research Part 2: Thinking About Your Business”
Keyword Research Part 3: Become A Mindreader
Put your site visitor on the couch. Who are they? What do they want? Why do they want it? And how? Continue reading “Keyword Research Part 3: Become A Mindreader”
Keyword Research Part 4: Building Personas
Think of your business as a story. The plot is all about getting the characters to find you, like what they see and buy your product. The characters are people sitting at their computers, just ordinary people…and your keywords are the script. Continue reading “Keyword Research Part 4: Building Personas”
Keyword Research Part 5: Putting (Key)Words In Your Mouth
If you are new to this keyword business, it can be easy to drown in jargon soup. Even if you are familiar with it, there may be new terms and classifications you could benefit from exploring further. Continue reading “Keyword Research Part 5: Putting (Key)Words In Your Mouth”
Keyword Research Part 6: The Tools
Let’s start by saying there are as many ways to go about keyword research as there are researchers. Everyone has their own method, their own tool configuration, and ultimately there is no right way. Continue reading “Keyword Research Part 6: The Tools”
Keyword Research Part 7: The Final Measure
You have your goals, you have focused your campaign and you have generated a (potentially very long) keyword list. How do you transform this bunch of random words into a tightly calibrated weapon of SEO power? Continue reading “Keyword Research Part 7: The Final Measure”